Pete’s Poem

May 31, 2020


Have you ever seen a pair of hares boxing in the spring?

March is the month of mad spring boxing.

How apt then, that we began this thing,

Wedding restricted, in March! It’s not all that foxing.

The weather was fine but the atmosphere threatening.

On farm, preparing for growing had begun,

(But a strange virus crisis added to the Greta thing.)

Calving had started and lambing successfully done.

Then in April it was both green and sunny.

The grass needed to grow so the pastures could feed –

The cattle, who’d eaten ALL the silage! Not funny!

A system to feed both animals and soil was what we’d need.

On spring grass the animals thrive and grow.

Fresh natural grazing promotes their health,

Organic grown food is best for us all, we know.

And it helps create a balanced environment of diverse wealth.

At Nancarrow May arrives bringing a little rain.

Hope is revived and some seasonal tasks will start.

Watering the animals, stone-hedging and fencing – AGAIN!

Perennial work and artistry sometimes both have their part.

With our boxes we bring the produce of the county to you

To give you a taste of our farm-working lives.

We’re so lucky to be here. What else could we do?

We hope that, on this good food, your family thrives.

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