Notes from Nancarrow

November 22, 2018

As winter draws nearer, most autumn leaves have now fallen and you’d be surprised at how different the farm looks compared to earlier in the year. The oaks resisted for several weeks longer than the sycamores and ash, but have finally succumbed and dropped their leaves. Only the likes of the hazels and elms still cling on. This comes as a great relief to Ricky who has been busy regularly clearing the lane, creating quite an impressive mulch pile in the process.

The cattle are still very content outside, sporting their new winter coats which keep them well insulated from this bitter east wind. Meanwhile, the human herd is making the most of the cold but dry conditions to get stuck into winter projects and farm maintenance – lots of clearing, fixing, fencing and mending. You’ll definitely notice a few changes next year. Slowly but surely our old garage and cart house are being transformed into our on-site larder, butchery and workshop. It’ll be a great space for guests to come and join us in making the most of the produce that we grow on the farm. We’re hoping we’ll be ready to start welcoming you to the first of our workshops just in time for lambing season!

Our pigs have had a wonderful time clearing last year’s veg garden and fertilising the soil for next year whilst they were at it. Having done their job, we’re eagerly anticipating many pork-based treats this festive season. In fact, we kicked off with an afternoon of pig butchery with the team earlier this week!

We hope you managed to secure your tickets for this year’s Christmas Feasts which we’re holding in December. Tickets have now sold out but we’re hoping to confirm our plans for early 2019 very soon, so keep your eyes peeled for news over the next few weeks!

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