20 years after Pete started converting the farm to organic, 2018 ended with us hosting a two day Soil Health conference with many of the big conventional farms from the South West in attendance. The speaker, who had flown in from Oz for the occasion, implored the room to end their reliance on chemicals and to embrace a more sustainable way of producing food. To work with nature not against it. Diversity and organic matter were/are key, and yes, grassfed livestock remain an important part of the equation.
We came away feeling that finally it feels as though there is some serious mainstream awareness that organic methods aren’t just a load claptrap after all. But there’s lots more we can still do, too.
So 2019 on the farm will involve more trees, more worms, more herbs and legumes, more tea, and more mycorrhizal fungi…and you can expect more diversity down the barns too. Our larder and butchery are almost ready meaning we’ll have more space to ensure absolutely nothing produced goes to waste on this farm – the team are really quite excited about the possibilities of our first Nancarrow leather, and we saw the results of our first bone charcoal trial today!
The event calendar kicks off soon, on January 26th, for our first Feast of the new year, and we have loads more planned for the spring, with feasts, workshops, weddings, dinners, and our Spring Gathering on the first weekend of April. Beyond that, expect more collaborations, Sunday socials, alfresco mid summer suppers, a 1000 Mouths weekender and much more besides. It’s a really big year for us this year. 20 years of organic farming is quite a milestone and we hope you can come and celebrate with us sometime!